This blog is the unlikely and truly unbelievable journey of the Martin family growing from a family of 5 to a family of 6 through the miracle of international adoption. We are blessed beyond measure to have the opportunity to join God in his plans and for you to get to see his glory and provision as well!! Thanks for reading!   ****************AND NOW…this blog is changing to the amazing and unlikely story of how God moved our family to work for him full time in Maryland at a Young Life camp.  CRAZY STUFF PEOPLE….

3 responses »

  1. Amy, I’m so excited for you guys – what an amazing adventure you’ve embarked upon! Thank you for allowing me to share it with you here. I look forward to hearing more as the days count down!

    Tracy Z.

  2. 2nd email:
    Amy…I am the associate pastor at Mineral Springs UMC. I would like to talk to you about coming to our church the last Sunday of August…our “Promotion” Sunday! There would be an opportunity to share your “story” as we develop the theme: “Adopted into the Family of God”. Please let me know how I might contact you for further info about this possibility.
    Thank you, Marilyn Wooten

  3. Amy,
    I just wanted to thank you for your encouraging comment to us. I read it to my husband to encourage him as well. I read somewhere, and I found it to be so true, that adoption is war. Oh, I believe this full heartedly!

    I look forward to reading more of your blog!


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